Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Yoga is great for people. It is a kind of exercise which people of all age group can practice. Cobra pose is a very common posture of Hatha yoga which in Sanskrit language is known as Bhujangasana. This is a basic yoga pose and it is been used in various practices of yoga. This pose is generally performed by lying on the stomach and by placing the palms on the floor, which should be alignment with the shoulder.

There are many health and fitness benefits associated with the cobra pose. It decreases the stiffness on the lower back, increases the flexibility of the body, elevates the mood, invigorates the heart, relieves fatigue and stress, improves circulation of oxygen and blood, especially throughout the pelvic and spinal regions, strengthens the spine, helps to ease asthma symptoms, improves digestion, soothes sciatica, opens the chest and it helps to clear the passages of the lungs and heart, stimulates organs in the abdomens, tones and firms the buttocks, improves the menstrual irregularities, strengthens the shoulders and arms, stretches muscles in the chest, abdominals and shoulders.

Cobra Pose Silhouette

The Cobra Pose is easy to perform and leads to numerous health benefits.

Here are the steps to performing a standard cobra pose:

  1. You should first lie down on your stomach.
  2. Now place your arms under the shoulders and the elbows should be tucked in close to the torso.
  3. You should lengthen your legs and the top of your feet should be pressed down into the mat.
  4. By pressing your pubic bone downwards you should activate your thigh muscles. You should image that your tall bone is tucked under as the abdomens supports and contracts the spine lightly.
  5. While inhaling, slowly press the hands to lengthen the arms and sending your chest forward and up lightly.
  6. You should still draw the tall bone under as the pubic bone moves towards the navel. To maintain the openness in the lower spine as you arch you should use the pelvic tilt. Rise only where the pubic bone remains on the ground and there is no feeling of pressure in the lower back.
  7. Without being hard in your back muscles the shoulders blades should be pulled back and down. The elbows should be tucked close to the ribcage by keeping the elbows bent slightly. You should encourage the muscles of your back to work. Lift your chin and eyes by keeping a comfortable space through the nape.
  8. Hold it for 10-30 seconds and you should breathe with ease.
  9. You should complete this yoga with one last inhale and you should slowly exhale by bringing your chest and head forward and down. At the end final elongation of the spine should be felt by pulling the torso forward with the hands. Lift up your knees and hands by inhaling. Now you should exhale and rest back.

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