
Turning a Wanderlust Dream into a Wander-ful Adventure

Turning a Wanderlust Dream into a Wander-ful Adventure

Are you wander-lusting for a life abroad? Why not teach yoga as part of that? It may be easier than you think! Tori Young, an American yoga teacher, completed her Bikram instructor training in 2010. Since then, she has taught in five different countries, including…

I Tried It: Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga

I Tried It: Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga

Within the confines of a studio you may find an ambience of soft lights and pleasant sounds, but with warmer weather coming our way, why settle for a replica of a natural surrounding? And what better way to experience the true thing then on the…

Combat the Hectic Holidays With Yoga Nidra

Combat the Hectic Holidays With Yoga Nidra

‘Tis the season of shopping and crowds — long lines and even shorter tempers. The back-to-back diet-busting parties. The interminable chats with the in-laws. When we are so busy, disembodied and constantly multi-tasking, it is easy to feel not so great at this most wonderful…

Kundalini Yoga: Discovering the Yoga of Awareness

Kundalini Yoga: Discovering the Yoga of Awareness

Some of the best things in life are unexpected. For me, this is particularly true with yoga. In my pursuit of learning more about the connection of the chakras to yoga, I stumbled upon Kundalini. Likely because Kundalini (I soon learned) is the energy of the…

Embracing Yoga Fusion

Embracing Yoga Fusion

It seems that not too long ago there were only a few deviating factors between yoga practices: It was either a hot room (Bikram), a flow of fluid intense movement (Astanga/Vinyasa), a variety of props to ensure proper alignment (Iyengar) or classes using passive poses…

Yoga for Your Booty

Yoga for Your Booty

When I first heard about BUTI yoga (pronounced, as you might have guessed, “booty yoga”), I immediately had terrible thoughts of Miley Cyrus twerking. (Note to self: need to work on pre-judgements.) But after taking a class in the bright pink studio at Lotus Kitty, with the encouraging…

A Guide to Yoga for Diabetes

A Guide to Yoga for Diabetes

With almost 30 million people in the United States that have diabetes, this disease is anything but uncommon. This disease affects everyone regardless of age, gender, or race, and the number of people with diabetes seems to keep rising. There is no reason that one…

Yoga for Athletes

Yoga for Athletes

These days yoga is everywhere, and it’s become pretty apparent that the benefits of this ancient practice reach far across the board. It comes as no surprise then that athletes are taking advantage of the many benefits yoga has to offer with many adding to…

The Art of Intention

The Art of Intention

Depending on the type of yoga (and yoga instructor), you may be asked to silently “set an intention” at the beginning of class. And yet, from personal experience, rarely does the instructor explain what an intention is. So whether you are a beginner or have…

Breathing Presence Into Your Practice

Breathing Presence Into Your Practice

We all know that breathing is important as we can perish within minutes without oxygen. But according to Dr. Andrew Weil, breathing is special in several respects: it is the only function you can perform consciously as well as unconsciously, and it can be a…

Tips for Using Yoga for Knee Pain

Tips for Using Yoga for Knee Pain

We all know yoga is important, but to what extent does its importance stretch? By performing the different yoga poses, an individual reaps mental, spiritual and physical well-being. Mentally, yoga leads to relaxation, reduced stress levels, promotes self-awareness and re-energizes the mind. Yoga touches the…

The Critical Five Musts (and Must Nots) Before Hot Yoga

The Critical Five Musts (and Must Nots) Before Hot Yoga

The secret to having the best experience in the yoga studio, is to prepare your body and mind before you enter — particularly if it is a heated room. Kevin Mattison, MS, a certified Bikram Hatha instructor at Bikram Yoga Santa Barbara, shares his approach…

5 Benefits of a Daily Yoga Routine

5 Benefits of a Daily Yoga Routine

The desire to live a balanced life that is harmony with the world and everything around us is innate in everyone. The many demands in our modern lifestyles, however, often leave us feeling disconnected and out of touch with the world around us.  The fast…

Spirit of the Dance – Empowerment with Vinyasa Yoga

Spirit of the Dance – Empowerment with Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga is known as an ancient way to gain enlightenment, and some may think that yoga is reserved for the new-age hippies or the Buddhists among us. Yet we know now that Yoga has fully translated into our modern world and is becoming widely acknowledged…

Is Hot Yoga Good for You?

Is Hot Yoga Good for You?

In many places across the United States it can seem like hot yoga studios are taking control of the exercise market. Nearly all major cities have at least one hot yoga studio and many traditional hatha yoga studios are quickly converting at least one room…

Five Beginning Couples Yoga Poses

Five Beginning Couples Yoga Poses

Practicing yoga with a partner can be a fun, rewarding and bonding experience. Yoga translates to literally mean “union.” There is no better way to unite than sharing a yoga practice with a romantic partner, a best friend or  child.  Partner yoga poses help connect…

Eight Great Yoga Ball Exercises for Core Strength

Eight Great Yoga Ball Exercises for Core Strength

Regular exercise has a wide range of health benefits. If you like to do your workouts at home, you may feel tempted to purchase expensive equipment to aid your routine. Why not consider a yoga ball? Yoga balls are ideal for a range of exercises…

Yoga for Men – Interview with Kevin Mattison

Yoga for Men – Interview with Kevin Mattison

Most men have found that it’s easy to unleash built-up energy with high-impact sports. But many men are now starting to find that their girlfriends, wives — or even just friends who are women — are standing upright, strong and happy at the end of…

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