Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Posts by: yogasimple

Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
Yoga is a worldwide phenomenon in today’s society and the Warrior Pose, also known as the Virabhadrasana in the ancient Sanskrit language, is the most recognizable symbol of this global art form. The Warrior Pose allows you to achieve inner peace as well as physical…

Pigeon Pose (Kapotasama)
The pigeon pose, called Kapotasama in Sanskrit (the full name is Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a yoga pose that can be practiced by anybody. One of its key benefits is the reduction and elimination of the stress impact on the human body. In the beginning,…

Mindfulness Meditation
Realizing a stable state of mind without facing any tensions in life is necessary with the practice of meditation. Instead of performing normal meditation, a greater control is expected to achieve upon the mind with the consideration of intensive features in an exceptional manner. Realizing…

Child’s Pose (Balasana)
The child’s pose is one of the easiest postures to perform in yoga and it is often performed as a resting pose. It’s ideal to utilize it between two difficult postures. The Sanskrit name for this is, Balasana. In which Bal means a child while…

Crane Pose (Bakasana)
Bakasana or Crane Pose is considered to be one the most vital of all arm balances. Practicing this pose will assist you to strengthen your arms and wrists and strengthen the abdominal muscles and the upper back which could assist with posture. It will also…

A Meditation on Compassion
The human heart has the extraordinary capacity to transform the sorrows of life into a great stream of compassion. Compassion proclaims the power of the tender and merciful heart in the face of the sufferings of the world of the world – and arises whenever…

Six Yoga Poses to Handle Stress
Stressful situations take their toll on the body. You can often feel the stress pile up during the course of the day, causing tightened muscles, rapid heartbeat and breathing, and of course overall anxiety and fatigue. Yoga to the rescue! If you don’t have time…
The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitudes.

Incorporating Loving-Kindness into Your Yoga Practice
There are many different kinds of meditations that aim to set an intention — from forgiveness to compassion. Loving-kindness is simply about about evoking friendliness toward oneself and others. While you can meditate almost anywhere, whether that be your living room or garden to your…

What You Can Achieve With Pranayama Yoga Breathing Techniques
Pranayama is a yoga practice that involves several breathing techniques which can benefit the body. Most of these yogic breathing exercises have been demonstrated to be highly beneficial and can deliver positive results to help in the normal functioning of the human body. This yoga…

Bikram Yoga Etiquette
Just as in any other group activity whether that be golf – or playing chess, there is an etiquette to yoga that ensures everyone get the most mindfulness out of each practice. Most yoga teachers will provide “friendly” reminders, but particularly for first timers, it…
‘I am strong, I am able, I am complete, I am whole. I lack absolutely nothing.’ Repeat daily.

Five Tips for Reducing Injuries in Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is a form of yoga that normally focuses on the executing postures and the significance of breathing in a completely balanced manner. The learner will be required to go through some poses so as to complete an entire series of this type of…

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is basically a subset of Hatha yoga, which is often distinguished by its fluid transition as well as movement via a series of poses that are normally seriously planned. It consists of string, active and fast yoga postures that may not be suitable…

Power Yoga
Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition that has become wildly popular around the world recently. As yoga has become more popular, more ancient traditions and styles have grown to match the popularity and purpose of the many yoga students in the world. Power yoga is…

Antenatal Yoga
If a woman is pregnant and awaiting the birth of her child then she should prepare for the miraculous event. Antenatal yoga is the best way to prepare for the birth of the child. The different forms of yoga and exercise movements help to calm…
In the yoga room, you can only go inward.

Power Yoga Poses for Beginners
People have always appreciated the significance of good health for centuries. To maintain good health, they have been following different forms of exercise regimen. One of the ancient techniques that focus on enhancing the health of the body and mind is Yoga. Drawing its origin…
Iyengar Yoga
Getting Started with Iyengar Yoga Iyengar yoga is believed by many to be one of the most effectives type of yoga. As a practice, this style of yoga has a lot of benefits for all people. It focuses on the proper body alignment during exercise….