A Meditation on Compassion

A Meditation on Compassion

The human heart has the extraordinary capacity to transform the sorrows of life into a great stream of compassion. Compassion proclaims the power of the tender and merciful heart in the face of the sufferings of the world of the world – and arises whenever we allow our heart to be touched by the pain and need of another. Using compassion is just one of many meditation techniques available, and yet it is very powerful.

  • Sit comfortably.
  • Let your body relax.
  • Let your heart be soft.
  • Breathe deeply.

Feel how you treasure your own life, how you guard yourself in the face of your sorrows. Once you feel centered, bring to mind someone close to you whom you dearly love. Picture them and feel your natural caring for them. Then let yourself be aware of their sorrows and suffering. Feel how you r heart opens to wish them well, extend comfort, to share in their pain and meet it with compassion and begin with a natural response of the heart, reciting the phrases:

May you be held in compassion.
May you be free from pain and sorrow.
May you be at peace.

Continue reciting all the while you are holding them in your heart. Once you feel your deep caring for this person, turn your compassionate heart toward yourself and the sorrow you carry:

May I be held in compassion.
May I be free from pain and sorrow.
May I be at peace.

Then, extend your compassion to others you know one person at a time. Hold the image of each in your heart, be aware of their difficulties and wish them well. With each in-breath, let their sorrows touch your heart and turn into compassion. With each out-breath, wish all living beings well.

May you be held in compassion.
May you be free from pain and sorrow.
May you be at peace.

Next open your compassion further to your neighbors, to your community, to difficult people. When you feel your practice is ready, breathe in the sorrow of those that are hungry, those that are caught in war, those in ignorance. With each out-breath, picture living beings everywhere and breath our the healing balm of compassion.

After some time, sit quietly and let your breath and heart rest naturally, as a center of compassion in the midst of the world.


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